
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and dedication, which allowed us to host this enriching and meaningful Victory League, creating an unforgettable experience for young football enthusiasts in Taiwan. Your support is our driving force, and we will continue to strive to create more memorable experiences for children. Once again, heartfelt thanks to you, and may your kindness be rewarded a hundredfold, allowing the seeds of football to take root and flourish in their hearts, blossoming into a brighter future.

Our partners

The National Finals are scheduled to take place in Kaohsiung in May 2024. Qualification for the Finals will be granted to the top 3 teams from each of the 4 districts. Please revisit us later in the season for additional updates.
Championship Division will be competed over the weekend May 18th/19th. Premier League Division May 25th/26th.